Student Solution


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Lesson 8 Forum - Team 1

Lesson 8 Forum - Team 1

Q Community Physician Clinic is a physician practice of 20 primary care physicians. Over the past 20 years they have treated patients under a capitation reimbursement methodology for three different payers. Under the current capitation arrangements, the practice receives $100 per member per month. However, the number of members assigned to their practice has started to decline. Therefore, the practice has decided to start treating Medicare patients. You are the practice manager and the physicians have asked you to prepare a presentation to help them better understand RBRVS and the MPFS. Develop an educational presentation that compares capitation reimbursement methodology to the fee schedule methodology. Additionally, your presentation should include an overview of the RBRVS system and illustrate how RVUs are converted to MPFS amounts. Any questions concerning this lesson or the textbook material should be posted to the link titled Ask Questions About L8 Here. I actively monitor that forum for student questions.  Please do not request quiz answers or clarification to quiz answers until AFTER the quiz has closed, and you have had a chance to review the correct answers. If, after you have seen the correct answers you still have questions, you may post them to the link titled Ask Questions About L8 Here.

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Community Physician Clinics are community oriented and provide primary health care in a community setting. Its objective is to coordinate community resources in order to ensure health care services are available to those in need. They use capitation reimbursement methodology to three different payers. This is a physician payment system used by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). RBRVS was created to offer a standardized system for pricing physician services as per the resources available used to deliver the services.